Saturday, May 31, 2008

Five Trips

Five trips. Five magical trips. What can you do in five trips? Five was the average number of trips I made to Spain each year when DH and I were "dating". Five also represents the number of trips I usually make back and forth to the car when I return from grocery shopping alone.

But now five trips means something else for me. Five trips means irreplaceable tenderness. The other night DH and I were sleeping soundly in bed. I was dreaming, but don't recall what I was dreaming about. All of a sudden I felt a soft "plop" between my hubby and I. I was stirred from my sleep as I heard the pitter patter of little feet run up then back down the hallway. Then, another soft "plop"....then more pitter patter of little feet. This situation repeated itself five times. After the fifth soft "plop" and pitter patter of little feet I felt the covers of the bed slowly slide down from my shoulders. There was a bit of a struggle and then there he was... our little guy snuggled between DH and I along with Elmo, Bear, Doggie, Perro and Carlos the Caballo (we weren't very original in the names department) and of course his nana (blankie). He has taken to sneaking to our room in the middle of the night lately. But this was the first time he made so many trips to bring all of his little friends with him. It's a good thing he didn't decide to lob his large plastic truck that he likes to sleep with over the side of the bed as well. Five marvelous trips.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

my little guy

Who needs a dog when you have a burro??
AR's playgroup (Northern Stars) took a trip to Burrolandia, an animal sanctuary dedicated to saving the Spanish burro which is running into danger of extinction. Needless to say, a good time was had by all!