Monday, April 09, 2007

The Great Easter Egg Hunt

Well, it seems that this was not my year for introducing Easter egg dyeing to AR. Yesterday we took a jaunt up to San Sebastian de Los Reyes to visit one of our favorite stores, IKEA! As some of you know, my entire office was practically furnished at IKEA and a good percentage of our home has been too.

After IKEA, it was time to do our weekly shopping and this time I won out. We avoided the hypermarkets and went to a traditional supermarket. Bad move. They were completely sold out of eggs. I don't even know what color eggs they had. All I knew is that there were none left to buy. The only other time that that had happened to me was right around Christmas time in the States when it was time to bake the Christmas cookies and ACME had it's famous BOGO (buy one get one) offers on a dozen eggs.

Seeing as we went to the supermarket right before 2pm (and everything closes from 2-4pm for the siesta time) there was no chance of making it to another one. Besides, we had to get home to prepare lunch for Angel's mother and sister who were coming over for lunch. So, unfortunately AR will have to wait another year to break in Dudley and the egg coloring kit!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Poor little eggs to color for Easter! :-( I guess we'll just have to pack & send white eggs to you NEXT year, OR you can bring the egg coloring kit back home with you and we can dye eggs here.....a few weeks late, but who will know????? :-)
Love ya'll!!!!!!!!